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艺术家 /  庞茂琨
策展人 /  黄笃  
开幕时间 /  2017.05.07   15:00
展览时间 /  2017.05.07 ——2017.07.02
展览地点 /  北京市朝阳区草场地艺术区328-c
抱貂的女人  80x65cm  布面油画  2017
Lady with an Ermine  80x65cm  Oil on canvas  2017
庞茂琨的新作《抱貂的女人》,即对达·芬奇原作《抱银貂的女子》(Lady with an Ermine,54.8 cm x 40.3 cm, Czartoryski博物馆藏)的挪用与修改。在原作中,达·芬奇生动描绘了这位贵妇人瞬间转向左方的脸庞,呈现出高贵沉静的完美气质,怀抱毛色光润且栩栩如生的白貂则象征人物的尊贵身份。面对这样一幅经典之作,庞茂琨模仿前人图像,但又修改和补充其构图和造型,以求新的意旨。他把凝视左方的贵妇人的双眸修改成左眼紧闭,右眼凝视正前方,犹如挤眉弄眼做鬼脸一般。这种凝视似乎暗示出正处于画中的人物对立面的“我们”—与画框之外的观看者(不同观者)凝视的相遇和交流。除了这一俏皮式变化,她的衣着则被画家刻意增添了一件披在身上的黑色皮夹克,其隐喻的时尚性和当代性不言而喻。值得注意的是,庞茂琨充分利用光线和阴影把妇人的头颅和脸庞处理的优雅而柔美。然而,仔细观察,他似乎有意把贵妇人抚摸在白貂上的手拉长,变得修长而优美。他以挪用和戏仿之法在应战经典和重现经典过程中延展或重构出新的图像语言。所以,他的作品是关于绘画的绘画。
委拉斯贵兹的客厅  180x280cm  布面油画  2017
The Living Room of Diego Velázquez    180x280cm    Oil on canvas  2017
庞茂琨创作的《委拉斯贵兹的客厅》(180x280cm 布面油画 2017)是对委拉斯贵兹于1650年画的《教皇英诺森十世肖像》挪用、重置和修正。追溯原作中的人物,他是1644年登基的罗马教皇英诺森十世(Pope Innocent X)。教皇邀请委拉兹贵兹绘制了这幅肖像。在这幅肖像中,画家准确抓住了人物瞬间复杂的内心和精神状态,既表现了教皇刹那间流露出坚定凶狠狡猾的神情,又通过刻画他放在椅子上两只软弱无力的手表现了其精神的虚弱。另一方面,画面上火热的红绸缎渲染了宗教般的庄严感,而白色的法衣和红色的披肩形成了鲜明的色彩对比。然而,庞茂琨以给经典画面注入荒谬性来改变其话语秩序。也就是说,他把自己画入与教皇对谈的状态,这种修正改变了原画自身的内涵,似乎暗喻了宗教问题的讨论——今天欧美与中东的冲突,与其说是文明的冲突,倒不如说是基督教与伊斯兰教的冲突。然而,画家自身是否有一种佛教的象征不得而知,但至少预示着某种对话和协商的意味。这是一种荒谬式、非神圣式和补充式的戏谑和重构(如庞茂琨其它的作品《格列柯的天空》、《阅读者》和《对应的肖像》亦是如此),其时间、空间、人物、故事等都被画家所“篡改”或“修改”成另一种叙事,给观者带来了更多的想象、联想和思考。这幅画表现出了艺术家高超的技巧和睿智的思维。
折叠的肖像NO.13  22.5X30cm  纸上铅笔  色粉  2016—2017
Folded Portrait NO.13  22.5X30cm  Pencil,Colored powder on paper  2016—2017
折叠的肖像NO.8  22.5X30cm  纸上铅笔  色粉  2016—2017
Folded Portrait NO.8  22.5X30cm  Pencil,Colored powder on paper 2016—2017
本文摘取自 黄笃文章 《折叠的肖像》

2017     “折叠的肖像-庞茂琨新作展”     艺琅国际   北京
2016    “手绘之谜——庞茂琨手稿研究展”   合美术馆    武汉
2015     “迷宫:庞茂琨艺术中的视觉秩序与图像生产”  今日美术馆  北京
2014    “觉知的重置——庞茂琨作品(2012-2014)”  关渡美术馆   中国台北
2013    “浮世•游观——庞茂琨艺术展”  中国美术馆   北京
2012    “不动声色的凝视:庞茂琨与中国当代油画” 广东美术馆大剧院当代馆  广州   
2011“手绘的意志——庞茂琨写生作品展”  K空间  成都
2010    “今日之神话——庞茂琨个展” 上海美术馆  上海    “异场——庞茂琨创作手记”展 K空间   成都
2009    “迷恋·古典---庞茂琨作品展” 林正艺术空间 北京
2006    “庞茂琨色粉作品展” 三峡博物馆 重庆
1998    “古典与现代的映象——庞茂琨油画作品展” 山美术馆 中国高雄
1997    “虚无中的呼吸——庞茂琨作品个展”   四川美院美术馆   重庆
1992    “庞茂琨画展”   台湾炎黄艺术馆   中国高雄
1990    “庞茂琨油画展”   九龙会   中国香港
1989    “庞茂琨——当代大陆代表性画家系列展”   台湾炎黄艺术馆   中国高雄
2016    “2015中国当代艺术年鉴”  民生美术馆  北京
         “石膏像——视觉经验与文化背景下的中国现代性”当代艺术展   亿利美术馆  北京
        “萧条与供给——第三届南京国际美展”    百家湖美术馆  南京
        “中华意蕴——中国油画艺术国际巡展”   布隆尼亚宫 法国巴黎    中国美术馆 北京
2015     “中国写意——中国美术馆邀请展”   中国美术馆  北京
         “破图集——中国当代艺术家处理图像的方法”   寺上美术馆  北京
2014    “回响———重庆美术60年”  重庆美术馆   重庆
        “文轩·新象——当代艺术百人邀请展”  文轩美术馆  成都
    “西云东语——中国当代艺术研究展” 合美术馆   武汉
       “南京国际美术展”  江苏省美术馆  南京
        “社会风景——当代艺术中的风景叙事”  成都市国际文化艺术品交流中心  成都
“追求卓越:来自学院的艺术家——首届油画邀请展”  油画雕塑院美术馆  上海
“中国写实画派十周年展”  中国美术馆  北京
“第三届‘画忆江南’全国油画名家邀请展”  江苏省美术馆  南京
“中法建交五十年展” 法国大皇宫 巴黎
2013    “丰域西南——吾土吾民油画邀请展” 广西美术馆   南宁
        “个体生长:当代艺术的动力”   天津美术馆   天津
        “时代肖像——当代艺术30年”  上海当代艺术博物馆  上海
        “再肖像——2013三官殿1号艺术展” 湖北美术馆  武汉
        “景观再造——中国当代艺术” 匈牙利德布勒森MODEM艺术中心  匈牙利德布勒森
2012    “山川蒙养20年——山艺术文教基金会川美艺术作品收藏展”  中国美术馆  北京
        “社会风景——苏州金鸡湖双年展”   巴塞美术馆    苏州
        “人与物:记忆的穿越——金鸡湖美术馆开馆展”  金鸡湖美术馆   苏州
2011“无法缺席——当代艺术展”  文轩美术馆  成都
“艺术家眼中的当代中国——中国油画艺术展” 关山月美术馆  深圳
“再现写实——架上绘画展” 新国际会展中心  成都
        “东方既白——中国国家画院建院三十周年美术展览”  中国国家博物馆 北京
“行云——中国当代新艺术展”   四川博物院   成都
2010    “研究与超越——第二届中国小幅油画作品展”   中国美术馆   北京      “中国油画院特邀艺术家联展” 中国油画院美术馆 北京    “第九届中国艺术节——全国优秀美术作品展” 广州艺术博物院  广州
 “书写——南京双年展”  江苏省美术馆  南京
2009    “历史的图像——中国当代艺术邀请展” 深圳美术馆  深圳  湖北省美术馆 武汉    “在场三十年——四川美术学院当代油画展” 日中友好会馆 日本东京        “第十一届全国美展”  湖北省美术馆  武汉        “中国写实画派五周年特展”中国美术馆  北京 湖北省美术馆 武汉  陕西省美术馆   西安
2008    “第23届亚洲国际美术展”   广州美术学院美术馆   广州    “写实画派2008年展”   中国美术馆   北京    “拓展与融合——中国现代油画研究展   中国美术馆   北京、苏州美术馆   苏州    “素歌——何多苓、庞茂琨、钟飙、李昌龙素描作品展”   K空间   成都     参加中国写实画派“热血5月--2008”大型油画集体创作并义拍   北京
2007   “从西南出发——当代艺术邀请展”   广东省美术馆   广州    “精神与品格——中国当代写实油画研究展”   中国美术馆   北京   上海美术馆   上海
2006   “首届中国当代艺术年鉴展”   中国美术馆   北京    “‘入境——中国美学’文献展”   上海当代艺术馆   上海    “江山无尽——南北当代油画艺术邀请展”   中国美术馆   北京    “来自重庆的当代绘画”  Guelph大学Macdonald Stewart艺术中心    加拿大
2005   “第二届成都双年展”   成都现代艺术馆   成都    “大河上下——新时期中国油画回顾展”   中国美术馆   北京    “自然与人——第二届当代中国山水画油画风景画展”   中国美术馆   北京        “图式营造——何多苓庞茂琨素描作品展”   蓝色空间画廊   成都   四川美院美术馆  重庆  北京
2004   “彼此——当代艺术展”   图卢兹市文化中心   法国图卢兹     赴法国巴黎索邦大学进行学术交流
2003   “移情与幻象——庞茂琨、龙全绘画作品展”   索卡艺术中心   北京    “携手新世纪-——第三届中国油画展”   中国美术馆  北京    “2003首届中国北京国际美术双年展——中国十所美术院校教师作品展”   清华大学美术馆   北京    “重庆辣椒——艺术邀请展之美国巡回展”   俄亥俄大学美术馆   美国俄亥俄州雅典市    “第二届贵州油画双年展”   贵州师范大学美术馆   贵阳
2002   “首届中国艺术三年展”   广州艺术博物院   广州    “中韩艺术交流展”   重庆美术馆   重庆
2001   “研究与超越——中国小幅油画作品大展”   中国美术馆   北京    “重庆辣椒——艺术邀请展”   卡塞尔文化火车站美术馆   德国卡塞尔    “四川情节——后政治”邀请展   Bloxham画廊   英国伦敦    “艺术时代——首届精文艺术大展”   精文艺术馆   上海
2000   “世纪之门1979-1999当代艺术邀请展”   成都会展中心   成都    “2000成都现代美术馆秋季学术邀请展”   成都现代艺术馆   成都 
1999   “中国当代名家百人小幅油画展”   中国美术馆   北京    “第九届全国美展”   中国美术馆   北京
1998   “98亚太地区当代艺术邀请展”   福建省展览馆   福州
1997   “都市人格1997艺术组合展”   四川美术学院美术馆   重庆    “中国油画肖像艺术百年展”   中国美术馆   北京    “走向新世纪——中国青年油画展”   中国美术馆   北京    “中国艺术大展——历史画和主题性创作展”   中国历史博物馆   北京    “中国艺术大展——当代油画艺术展”   上海美术馆   上海
1996   “首届中国油画学会展”   中国美术馆   北京    “从前卫艺术到我们的生活”   圣彼得堡美协美术馆   俄罗斯圣彼得堡 
1995    赴荷兰阿姆斯特丹美术学院进行学术访问    “现代中国油画展”   日中友好会馆   日本东京 
1994   “第二届中国油画展”   中国美术馆   北京    “第八届全国美展”   中国美术馆   北京
1992   “首届中国油画年展”   香港文化中心   中国香港
1991   “91中国油画年展”   中国油画廊   北京
1988   “西南现代艺术展”   四川省美术馆   成都
1987   “首届中国油画展”   上海美术馆   上海    “中国当代油画展”   纽约哈夫纳画廊   美国纽约
1984   “第六届全国美展”   中国美术馆   北京
1979   “庆祝中华人民共和国成立40周年—全国美展四川省分展”   四川省美术馆   成都
中国美术馆  上海美术馆  中国历史博物馆  深圳美术馆  山美术馆
Pang Maokun
Pang Maokun was born in Chongqing in 1963. He studied in Affiliated Senior High Schoo of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute from 1978 to1981,studied in Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute from 1981 to1988; Pang received his master's degree in 1988. Currently, Pang is the President of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Deputy chairman of Chongqing Federation of Literary and Art Circles,Chairman of the Chongqing Artists Association, President of Chongqing Painting Academy ,Director of Chongqing Museum of Art, Advisory Board Member at the China Artists Association, Deputy director of the China Artists Association Oil Painting Council, and Advisory Board Member at the China Oil Painting Society.
For years Pang has been exploring the possibility of classical oil painting language under current circumstances, combining his personal art creation with the social reality. His classical paintings appear distant and different from the daily life as he sets his gaze towards reality. It indicates the maturity of his personal style, which also reveals the value and meaning of oil paintings in contemporary art. His works are exhibited and collected in and out of China. His representative works include Apples are Ripe, The Rainbow is Silently Above, A Golden Summer, Blur Series, Virtual Time Series, Coincidence Series, Shining Brightly Series , Viewing the Floating World Series and etc.
Solo Exhibitions
2017    Folded Portraits: Exhibition of Pang Maokun's New Works  X Gallery   Bei Jing
2016    The Mystery of Freehand Sketching: Research Exhibition of Pang Maokun’s Manuscripts   United Art Museum   Wuhan 
2015    Maze:Visual Order and Graphic Production in Pang Maokun's Art   Today Art Museum  Beijing 
2014    Resetting the Perception: Pang Maokun's Art (2012-2014)  Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts   Taipei
2013    Viewing the Floating World: Pang Maokun's Art   National Art Museum of China  Beijing
2012    Hand Painted Will-Pang Maokun Sketch Exhibition   K.Gallery   Chengdu
2011    Gaze in Silence - Pang Maokun and Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting, Contemporary Gallery of Guangdong Museum of Art at 
        Guangzhou Opera House
2010    Mythology of Today – Pang Maokun Solo Exhibition, Shanghai  Museum of Art, Shanghai
   Deviated Scenes:Sketches,Paintings and Notes by Pang Maokun,  K·Gallery,  Chengdu  
2009Obsession – Classical Pang Maokun Works Exhibition, Frank Lin Art Center, Beijing
2006    Gouache Works by Pang Maokun, Three Gorges Museum, Chongqing
1998    Classical and Modern Impressions, Shan Art Museum, Kaohsiung
1997    Breathing in the Void, Museum of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing
1992    Pang Maokun Painting Exhibition, Yanhuang Art Museum, Kaohsiung
1990    Pang Maokun Oil Painting Exhibition, Kowloon Club, China Hong Kong
1989    Representative Contemporary Mainland Painters Exhibition Series, Yanhuang Art Museum, Kaohsiung
Group Exhibitions  
2016    The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China 2015     Minsheng Art Museum  Beijing
        The Visual Experience and Cultural Identity of Chinese Modernity    Yili Art Museum  Beijing
        Scarcity and supply- The 3rd Nanjing International Art Festival   Baijia Lake Art Museum  Nanjing
        The International Itinerant Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting    Paris ,  National Art Museum of China  Beijing 
2015    Chinese Freehand Art: Invitational Exhibition of the National Art Museum of China   National Art Museum of China  Beijing
Breaking the Image:Methods in the Treatme of Image by Contemporary Artists from China
2014    Chongqing Art in Sixty Years-Art Exhibition, Chongqing Art Museum, Chongqing
Winshare•New Scenery – A Hundred Contemporary Artists, Winshare Art Museum, Chengdu
 Voices of West and East - A Research on Contemporary Chinese Art”, Yihe Art Museum, Wuhan
        Nanjing International Art Exhibition”, Jiansu Provincial Art Museum, Nanjing
        Social Scenery – Narrative through Scenery in Contemporary Art, International Culture and rt Exchange Center of Chengdu, Chengdu
        Pursuit of Excellence: Artists from Art Academies - First Oil Painting Exhibition, hanghai Painting & Sculpture Museum, Shanghai
Chinese Realism School 10th Anniversary Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
        The 3rd ‘Painting Memory in Chiangnan’ National Oil Painting Exhibition, Jiansu Provincial Art Museum, Nanjing
        The 50th Anniversary of Establishment of China and France Diplomatic Relations Exhibition, Grand Palais, Paris
2013     Fertile Southwest Region – My Land and My People Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition,Guangxi Art Museum, Nanning  
Individual Growth- Momentum of Cintemporary Art , Tianjin Art Museum, Tianjin
Portrait of the Times 30 Years of Chinese Contemporary Art    Power Station of Art  Shanghai
Reportrait—The 2013 Hall Three Official 1 Art Exhibition; Hubei Art Museum Wuhan
Spectacle Reconstruction –Chinese Contemporary Art" MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts   Debrecen, 
2012     20 Years of Glory – Mountain Art Foundation Collection of Sichuan Fine Art Institute  National Art Museum of China Beijing
         Sociological Landscape – The First Suzhou Jinji Lake Biennale  Suzhou Basel Contemporary Art Museum  Suzhou         Through The Memory- The Opening Exhibition of Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum  Jinji Lake Art Museum Suzhou 
         Splendid China -- Chinese Fine Arts Marching in the New Century  China Art Museum, Shanghai
2011    Unable Absence - Contemporary Art Exhibition, Wenyuan Art Museum, Chengdu 
         Realistic Reproduction - Easel Painting Exhibition,New International Convention and Exhibition Centre  Chengdu
         Flowing Clouds-New Contemporary Chinese Art, Sichuan Museum,Chengdu
         Contemporary China in The Artist’s eyes-Chinese Oil Art Exhibition    Guan Shanyue Art Museum  Shenzhen
         The Brilliancy of the East Civilization is Coming –The Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of Chinese Painting Academy
National Museum of China  Beijing
2010     China Realist School Fifth Anniversary Exhibition, Shanxi Provincial Museum of Art, Xi'an
   Research and Transcendence – Second Exhibition of Small-Scale Chinese Oil Paintings, 
   National Art Museum of China, Beijing
   China Oil Painting Institute Invitational Group Exhibition, Museum of the China Oil Painting Institute, Beijing
   The ninth Chinese Arts Festival: the Sxhibition of Country’s Outstanding Artworks, Guangzhou Arts Museum, Guangzhou 
         And_writers:Nanjing Biennale   Jiangsu Museum  Nanjing
2009    Images of History – 2009 Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Shenzhen 
   Museum of Art, Shenzhen, and Hubei Provincial Museum of Art, Wuhan
   Thirty Years on the Scene – Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition, Japan-China Friendship Center, 
   Eleventh National Fine Art Exhibition, Hubei Provincial Museum of Art, Wuhan
     China Realist School Fifth Anniversary Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 
   Hubei Provincial Museum of Art, Wuhan
2008    23rd Asian International Art Exhibition, Museum of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou
   Realist School 2008 Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing 
   Expansion and Fusion – Chinese Modern Oil Painting Research Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, 
   Beijing and Suzhou Museum of Art, Suzhou
   Plainsong – Sketches by He Duoling, Pang Maokun,  Zhong Biao and Li Changlong, K Gallery, Chengdu            
   Join the collective creation and charity auction of Ardent May.2008 with Chinese Realism artists in Beijing
2007Setting out from the Southwest – Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Guangdong  Provincial Museum of Art, 
   Spirit and Character – Chinese Contemporary Realist Oil Painting Research Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, 
   Beijing and Shanghai Museum of Art, Shanghai   
2006    First Chinese Contemporary Yearbook Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing     
   Entering the Realm – Chinese Aesthetics Document Exhibition, Shanghai Museum of Contemporary  Art, Shanghai 
   Boundless Rivers and Mountains – Northern and Southern Contemporary Oil Painting Invitational, 
   National Art Museum of China, Beijing
   Contemporary Painting from Chongqing, Macdonald Stewart Art Center, Guelph University, Canada
2005    Second Chengdu Biennial, Chengdu Museum of Modern Art, Chengdu       
   Up and Down the Great Rivers – Retrospective Exhibition on Chinese Oil Painting in the New Era, 
   National Art Museum of China, Beijing            
   Man and Nature – Second Contemporary Chinese Landscape and Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China,  
   The Construction of Schema: Exhibition of Sketches by He Duoling and Pang Maokun, Blue Space Gallery, Museum of the 
Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chengdu, Chongqing and Beijing   
2004     Each Other, Toulouse Cultural Center, Toulouse, France
   Academic exchange to the University Paris-Sorbonne 
2003    Empathy and Illusion – the Paintings of Pang Maokun and Long Quan, Soka Art Center, Beijing           
   Hand in Hand into the New Century – Third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing       
   The Fist Beijing International Art  Biennial, China 2003  – Showpiece Contributed By The Teachers at the Ten China’s Art          
   Schools Contemporary, Museum of the Tsinghua University Art Institute, Beijing               
   Chong Qing Chilis American Tour, Ohio University Art Museum, USA          
   Second Guizhou Oil Painting Biennial, Guizhou Normal University Art Museum, Guiyang            
2002    First China Art Triennial, Guangzhou Museum of Art, Guangzhou            
   Sino-Korea Artistic Exchange Exhibition, Chongqing Museum of Art, Chongqing               
2001    Research and Transcendence – Exhibition of Small-Scale Chinese Oil Paintings, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
   Chong Qing Chilis Pepper Art Invitational Exhibition, Kassel Culture Station, Kassel, Germany 
   Sichuan Story: Post-Political, Bloxham Gallery, London          
   Art Age – First Jingwen Art Exhibition, Jingwen Museum of Art, Shanghai        
2000     Gate of the Century: 1997 – 1999 Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Chengdu Exhibition Center, Chengdu            
   Chengdu Museum of Modern Art Autumn Academic Invitational Exhibition, Chengdu Museum of Modern Art, Chengdu
1999    Exhibition of Chinese Small-scale Oil Paintings, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
   Ninth National Fine Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing      
1998    98 Asia – Pacific Contemporary Art Exhibition(Fu Zhou), Fuzhou Provincial Exhibition Hall, Fuzhou   
1997    Urban Character 1997 Artist Combination Exhibition, Museum of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing; 
   China Youth Portrait Art Centennial Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
   Into the New Century – China Youth Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
   China Art Exhibition – Historical and Thematic Creations Exhibition, National History Museum of China, Beijing
   China Art Exhibition – Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition, Shanghai Museum of Art, Shanghai    
1996    First China Oil Painting Society Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing            
   From Avant-Garde art to Our Lives, Museum of the St. Petersburg Art Association, St. Petersburg, Russia
1995    To visit Amsterdam Arts Academy as a scholar. 
   Modern Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, Japan-China Friendship Center, Tokyo
1994    Second China Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing; 
   Eighth National Fine Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
1992    First Annual China Oil Painting Exhibition, Hong Kong Cultural Center, China Hong Kong
1991    91 Annual China Oil Painting Exhibition, China Oil Painting Gallery, Beijing
1988    Southwestern Modern Art Exhibition, Sichuan Provincial Museum of Art, Chengdu
1987    First China Oil Painting Exhibition, Shanghai Museum of Art, Shanghai
   Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition, Hefner Gallery, New York
1984    Sixth National Fine Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing
1979    Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China –
   National Art Exhibition Sichuan Segment, Sichuan Provincial Museum of Art, Chengdu
Public Collections 
National Art Museum of China      Shanghai Museum of Art     National History Museum of China        
Shenzhen Museum of Art           Shan Art Museum